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Increase Your Bone Density Naturally. Some Sweat Required.

"My bone density increase by 6%" Gail exclaimed with glee. We had all been eagerly waiting for her test results.

One year prior Gail's doctor diagnosed her with "severe osteoporosis."

Gail, a 66-year old retired lab technician had been doing yoga at least twice a week, for several years. While yoga can be helpful in reducing the risk of osteoporosis, in her case it had not stopped the bone loss.

Gail, determined to make a positive change, started attending my TRX, Ball & Yoga class twice a week in June of 2022. Her plan was to do this consistently for one year, and see if it made a difference in her bone density.

Gail's hope was that at the very least, this would potentially slow the bone loss down. And if possible, perhaps maintain where she was, instead of further decline. She also dared to hope, that best case scenario, doing TRX, Ball & Yoga twice per week would actually increase her bone density.

In June of 2023, her doctor called with the results. "I have amazing news. Your bone density has increased by 6% since your last test a year ago. Keep taking the drug I prescribed; its working."

Gail replied, "I have to be honest. I didn't even fill the prescription. Instead I started a new exercise regime." The doc responded, "Well whatever you're doing, keep it up! This is great."

It's important to note, I believe one of the reasons that my TRX, Ball & Yoga class provided Gail with such a high level of success, is because in my classes I vary the exercises we do each time. There are several exercises we do each class as a baseline, but approximately 30% of the class is varied.

When you do the same workout repeatedly over time, this produces 'Adaptive Resistance' which can stand in the way of improved performance. When you do the same exercise over a long period of time, your body no longer responds to it. Worse, adaptive resistance can result in injury. This happens because if you do the same exercise, and use the same muscles in the same pattern/angle repeatedly over a period of time, this causes more wear and tear, and 'Repetitive Stress' on the same soft tissue structures.

By varying and changing exercises in your routine, you can create a new stimulus - both in the musculoskeletal system, as well as the brain synapse - which creates more progress over time. An added bonus in rotating exercises or activity every so often, is your injury risk decreases.

Challenging our muscles, our proprioception, and our brain in new ways each class is key.  

In June of 2024, another year, and another bone density test later, Gail's bone density improved by an additional 2.8%.

Gail remains committed to her fitness regime, continues to do both yoga and and TRX, Ball *& Yoga two times a week. Additionally, in October of 2023 she started the PACE program at McMasters twice a week.

Gail, and the students in my TRX, Ball & Yoga class all happen to be over 50 years old! We inspire and motivate each other, creating a community focused on health and resilience. Its a powerful reminder that with some dedication and sweat, we can positively impact our bone health naturally.

If you're looking to boost your bone density, consider incorporating regular strength training and balance exercises, like my TRX, Ball *& Yoga class, into your routine. Like Gail, you might just surprise yourself with the results!


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