Ayurvedic Medicine with Nitin Shah
Ayurvedic Medicine Program: Learn Ayurveda’s unique constitutional model (Prakriti) regarding diet and nutrition, exercise - Yogasanas, Pranayams etc. - and lifestyle considerations, including in-depth understanding of relationship of body, mind and spirit and their relationship with gunas and how to integrate this knowledge to promote balance at all level.
This program is suitable for anyone wishing to learn and apply Ayurveda in their life, as well as for health care professionals, holistic health consultants, wellness coaches, yoga teachers, and yoga therapists.
Program Dates
Ayurveda Foundations 1 Day Workshop
November 1, 2020
Ayurvedic Medicine 2 Day Workshop
(Included in 300-hour Yoga Therapist Training)
dates tbc
Daily Schedule
7:00-8:30 AM Yoga to Balance The Doshas with Karen Claffey
8:30-9:15 AM Breakfast
9:15 AM-12:30 PM Morning Session
12:30-1:45 PM Lunch
1:45-5:00 PM Afternoon Session

Workshop Facilitator
Nitin Shah M.D. (Ayurveda), Doctor of Natural Medicine, Founder of Goodlife Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Medicine Programs
Level 1 - 2 Day Workshop
Flyer PDF | (included in 300-hour Yoga Therapist Training)
Learning objectives:
To learn Ayurveda's unique constitutional model (Prakriti) regarding diet and nutrition, exercise - Yogasanas, Pranayams etc. - and lifestyle considerations model for health incuding doshas, gunas, koshas.
Level 2
Learning objectives:
1. To gain deeper understanding of Ayurveda and its role in framework for health and disease
2. Know thy self according to Ayurveda’s unique constitutional model (Prakriti) and further guidance about diet and nutrition, exercise (Yogasanas, Pranayams etc.), and lifestyle considerations
3. To gain an understanding of relationship of body, mind and spirit and their relationship with gunas and how to integrate this knowledge to promote balance at all level
4. Deeper understanding of Ayurvedic and Yogic nutrition in terms of dosha specific food guidelines from each food group and Saatvic, rajasic and tamasic principles of diet and daily living.
List of Topics covered:
Knowledge of the basic perspective on health and disease from Ayurveda and Yoga perspective
The theory of pancha kosha in relationship w/3 sharirs, subtle anatomy – how to purify and strengthen them through Yoga and Ayurveda
Further details of tridoshas and subdoshas (pancha Prana etc.)
Triguna- essential aspect of mental qualities and Interrelatedness of Tridoshas and Trigunas in Personality development
Prakriti assessment- through structural (anatomical), metabolic (physiologic) and mental (psychological ) characteristics
Agni- the principle of biological fire and its role in health and disease
Dhatus- Seven vital tissues, which holds the body and mind
Ojas- vital nectar of life (goal of all yoga practitioners to achieve), how to build through diet, yoga, life style etc. and also bringing the awareness on ojas depleting common factors
Ama- A toxic substance- responsible for many physical and mental disorders; Ama busting approach
Ayurvedic/Yogic nutrition in terms of dosha specific food guidelines from each food group, Saatvic, rajasic and tamasic principles of diet
Ayurvedic and yogic treatment protocols with reference of Brmhana and langhan principles as well shaman (palliative) and Shodhan – purification through Ayurvedic panchakarma and yogic shatkarma protocols
Routine matters- Ayurvedic and yogic daily living with rhythm of mother nature’s rhythm
Additional teaching Abhyanga – Ayurvedic oil massage techniques in detail.
Contact Hours: 35 hours per level=70 hours
Resource and further reading:
Student course manual and the following books:
Text book of Ayurveda, Vasant Lad
Yoga and Ayurveda, David Frawley
Yoga for Your Type, David Frawley and Sandra Summerfield
Ayurvedic tongue diagnosi, Walter Kacera
Fees including tax
Prices include tax, and are quoted in CAD.
Ayurveda Foundations (2 days): $340.00
Ayurvedic Medicine:
$695.00 Part 1 (5 days)
$695.00 Part 2 (5 days)
Tuition includes course handouts/training manual. Meals and Accommodations On-Site are optional extra.